Noelle is doing wonderful! We are so in love with this little girl the Lord has blessed us with!
She has adjusted so well to her new home and she loves her Dada! He works at home and his office is in our basement and every time he comes upstairs she wants to be held and played with by him and will look at mama and wave and say "bye bye" to me and she'll go down with him. He let's her play and get into EVERYTHING! For those that know Mike if you can believe this he showed her how to open his CD cases and take them out! I don't know what he's 6 months when she's two and she goes down when he's not looking and opens 200 and they're thrown all over his office I wonder if he'll still think it's cute? LOL! I think she may just have him wrapped around his finger already : )
I know there are some of you that read this blog that are wondering what her day is like so here's her schedule.....she get's up around 7:30-8:30 and she has her breakfast and plays. Around 10:30 she has her bath which she loves now! I give her a 4 oz bottle at 11 and she sleeps until about 1:30. Then it's all play until 9 when she has a 6 oz bottle that usually puts her right to sleep. And she'll sleep all night....well, when she's not coughing she'll sleep all night. The last two nights have be wonderful!!!
She is still not eating great, but is doing better at least trying new foods.
The big news is she is starting to take steps!!!!! It's so cute!!!! I bet she'll be walking in the next couple of weeks. Mike and I played a little game last night with her. We took a little bag of fruit snacks and split them and she would walk to him and get a piece and then she'd walk to me for a piece. She did this for like 20 minutes. It was so cute. We are going to do that again with her tonight and video tape it. So we'll have to post it tomorrow. I bet it won't be long before she gives up the crawling and is walking everywhere. I'll keep you posted : )
Robin loves her little sissy. She is a big help on the weekend and likes to put her down for her nap and loves to change her clothes. Noelle is doing better with her and not screaming as much when Robin tries to play with her. Here are some cute pictures I took yesterday of our China doll : )
It sounds like everybody is doing great. What a doll.
So glad to hear you all are doing great. She truely is a doll! Can't wait to see her walking! She is already getting big! Hugs to you!
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