Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our first week home.

Where to begin?

Noelle seems to be adjusting very well to everything. She is a mommys girl, but is going to Daddy a lot more for play time. She is also going to Robin more too. But it's mommy she wants when she's crying or tired.

She has been pretty congested and was coughing alot in China and at home at night, but she seems to be getting over the cough and her nose is runny now so hopefully that means she's on the mend.

The first several nights she was falling asleep at 6ish and waking up around 3 to start the day which made mommy very tired. I've also been dealing with a cold and jet lag, so not being able to sleep has been hard. But I'm very happy to report that Monday she went to bed at 7 and slept till 12:30 and I gave her a bottle and changed her diaper and she was back in her crib at 1am and slept till 7! Last night she went to bed at 9 and slept all night and woke up at 8!!!!! LOVE that schedule!!!! Praying she'll do this all the time :)

Monday she went to the doctors. They took blood, gave her 3 shots so she wasn't a very happy girl that morning. We have to go back next week for more blood work and the following week for more shots :( poor baby. She weighs 17 pounds and is 28.75 inches long. She's not even on the chart for american girls, but for chinese girls she's in the 25% for everything...height, weight.

For those of you who have asked she is wearing mostly 12 months clothes (no bigger... they would fall off :). She has onesies that are 6 and 9 months and those fit great. The only reason she is wearing 12 months is the length. I took lots of 6-9 months and they really didn't fit good. Onesies....6-9 months...great! Pants....too short.

Overall she is doing wonderful. She is a very happy girl and very curious about everything around her. She love to imitate us and she LOVES Cheerios!!!

Maybe Mike will add to this later, but I need to go do some laundry while she's sleeping!

Mike will add pics later.


the Steiger's said...

That is a great report. She is doing so well. (And you too)

Nicole said...

So glad to hear you are doing well! Glad to see you all are starting to get some good sleep and feel better too! Love and hugs to you all!